Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies

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What’s happening in Jewish Queensland

U – Z

United Israel Appeal (UIA) – Queensland

UIA was established in 1920 in London. In the wake of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which called for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”, the Zionist leaders, realising the financial investment necessary to build and develop the Jewish homeland, established a fundraising mechanism for this purpose: the “Foundation Fund”, commonly known by its Hebrew name the “Keren Hayesod”.

Our major challenge is securing the future of the Jewish people with Israel at its centre. This goal includes continuing to support Immigration, providing tools for the successful integration of new immigrants, empowering Israel’s high risk groups, developing Israel’s social and geographic periphery, maintaining the Jewish identity of Jews around the world and connecting them with Israel.

Contact: admin@uiaqld.org.au


United Israel Appeal (UIA) – newsletter

Started in October 2005, this publication is been distributed to hundreds of Jewish families across Queensland.

The publication is sent to UIA supporters (for free) and via email to all known community members. It reports on upcoming events, UIA information and functions, and also provides community information (e.g. where to study Hebrew, kosher food retailers, regular updates, and more).

The newsletter also allows the readers to update on interesting trends and stories directly from Israel and around the world, including some exclusive interviews. To receive the newsletter via email free of charge contact the UIA office. If you are not a UIA supporter and wish to receive the newsletter via the post, contact us for pricing.

Contact: newsletter@uiaqld.org.au


Women’s International Zionist Organisation (WIZO)

WIZO is an international women’s organisation.  In Queensland there is a state president, executive, and a number of groups.  WIZO is recognised by the United Nations and represented on ecosoc and UNICEF, as well as on other international welfare bodies.

The primary purpose and object of the Australian federation of WIZO is to relieve poverty, advance education and benefit the wider community in Israel.  WIZO works hard to achieve these goals in the field of information, education, support, public affairs and fund-raising.

Contact: wizoqld@bigpond.com